Comments of Dentalium
They are found in all seas except polar. They are commonly found in Europe, pacific Coast, New England Coast and Indian ocean..
Habit and Habitat :-
Dentalium is marine and found in the sand at great depth. They feed on minute organisms such as Foraminifera and diatoms.
General characters:-
1) Dentalium is commonly known as tusk shell.
2) Body is bilaterally symmetrical and enclosed in a tubular shell open at both ends.
3) Mantle Folds are fused ventrally to form a tube enclosing the body.
4) Well developed radula is present.
5) Anus lies behind the base of the foot.
6) Gills are absent.
7) Eyes absent. Oocysts present.
8) Sexes are separate
9) Development includes veliger larva.
Economic Importance:
Sheel of Dentalium has ornamental value, the shells are collected on strings and are used as necklaces.
Diagram of Dentalium
