1. Beaker
  2. Funnel
  3. conical flask
  4. glass rod
  5. filter paper
  6. test tube


  1. Copper sulphate pent hydrate
  2. ethyl alcohol
  3. ammonia solution


                 Cuso4 solution on treating with NH3  solution forms pale blue precipitate of basic salt which is soluble in excess of ammonia solution with the formation of deep blue solution containing the complex salt, tetra mine copper sulphate

Reactions involved are:

               2Cuso4 + 2NH3OH + 2H20 → Cuso4.CU (OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4

              Cuso4.CU (OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4 + 6NH3→ 2(CU(NH3)4)S04 + 2H2O


About 30 ml of saturated solution of Cuso4 was prepared and then 2N ammonia solution was added gradually until pale blue precipitate formed redissolved and deep solution appeared. Ethyl alcohol was paired carefully through the wall of conical flask so as to form a layer on the surface. The conical flask was corked to prevent escape of alcohol and cooled and allowed to stand for half an hour. After ½ hour deep blue crystal were deposited.


            Tetra mine copper sulphate (CU (NH3)4) S04 is prepared in lab by treating saturated solution of Cuso4 with excess NH4OH.


                            Hence, tetra mine copper sulphate can be prepared in lab by using saturated blue vitriol.


  1. Apparatus should be handled with care.
  2. Apparatus should be cleaned before and after use.
  3. Saturated solution of Cuso4 must be made carefully.
  4. NH4OH should be added slowly at first and then only in excess amount.
  5. Ethyl alcohol should be added slowly from the wall of conical flask without disturbing the solution.
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