Study of Nereis (Annelida): Diagram, Classification & Comments

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Comments of Nereis


Nereis is cosmopolitan in distribution and found in coastal water of pacific and North Atlantic oceans, Europe and U.S.A. 

Habit and habitat:

Nereis is found in burrows in sand or mud of the sea shore at tide level.

General characters:

1. Nereis is commonly known as ragworm or clam worm.

2. The body is long, slender and dorso-ventrally flattened reaching a length of 5-30cm.

3. The body consists of a distinct head followed by a number of similar Segments.

4. Peristomium bears four slender cylindrical tentacles on each side.

5. Sexes separate, gonads develop temporarily during reproductive season.

6. The sexual phase of Nereis is known as Heteronereis.

7. The last or anal segment is without parapodia but bears a pair of appendages known as anal cirri and a terminal anus.

Economic Importance:

Nereis Vexillosa is an important food item for foraging birds in the intertidal zone.

Diagram of Nereis

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