Study of Forficula (Arthropoda): Diagram, Comments & Analysis

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Comments of Forficula


Forficula is an insect of tropical countries, but it is abundantly found throughout palearctic region Asia, Africa, Europe, Mexico, North America.

Habit and Habitat:-

  Forficula is commonly found in moist places under stones undecaying vegetables matter etc.

General character:

1)  Forficula is commonly known as earwig.

2)  Body in elongated and covered by a tough chitinous covering.

3)  The body is divided into the head, thorax and abdomen.

4)  Head bears a pair of eyes and a pair of long Filiform antennae.

5)  Mouth parts biting and chewing type.

6)  Thorax bears three pairs of walking legs and two pairs of wings.

7)  Ovipositor absent. Metamorphosis gradual.

8) They are nocturnal and feeding on vegetation

Economic Importance:

1) The specific smell of earwigs may have some importance as a defense mechanism, but also plays a role as an attractant for parasitoids.

2) Damage the blossoms of ornamental plants by chewing.

3)  Cause economic losses in Fruits and Vegetables crops.

Diagram of Forficula


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