Study of Chlamydomonas: Structure, Parts, and Diagram

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Chlamydomonas is a freshwater alga found in ponds, lakes, well, and slow running streams. Under the naked eye it looks like a tiny dust particle.

Cellular Structure:

Under H.P the cell shows an outstanding large U-shaped chloroplast that has a single basal pyrenoid and many  starch grain. It possesses a lens shaped stigma or eye spot towards a corner. A prominent nucleus is embedded in cytoplasm in between arms of u-chloroplast. Two contractile vacuoles lie towards the anterior end. Two flagella originates from blepharoplasty of the anterior most part of the cell.

Palmella stage:

It represents asexual reproduction known as non- motile reproductive phase. It occurs during unfavorable conditions. It has two or four flagellated cells ensheathed by a common mucilaginous envelope.

After the return of favorable condition, all the non- motile chlamydomonas are released by disintegration of the mucilage envelope. Then, each of them after developing flagella, converts into motile form ready to swim in water.

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