Comparative T.S. of Pancreas in Amphibian & Mammal

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Comments on T.S of Pancreas of Frog

i) It is a much branched and grape-bunch like gland.

ii) It consists of a series of pancreatic lobules.

iii) Lobules are bounded by connective tissue-consisting sensory cells.

iv) Between pancreatic lobes, there are small scattered groups of  cells which stain paler are known as islets of Langerhans, producing an endocrine secretion known as insulin.

v) Blood vessels are found in and around the islets of Langerhans.

vi) Function is dual because it produces exocrine as well as endocrine Secretion.

Comments on Pancreas of Rabbit

i) Consist of two portions, namely endocrine and exocrine.

ii) Exocrine portion consists of series lobules or acini, endocrine portion is composed of islets of langerhans found between the acini.

iii) The islets of Langerhans are compact masses of cells which secrete glucagon and insulin.

iv) The exocrine portion produces pancreatic juice which contains trypsin, amylase and lipase enzymes.

v) Pancreas acts both as endocrine and exocrine gland.

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